TAG ni dah lama sangat..dah berlapuk2..wakakak..sorry ROS.. kali nih dari
http://coklatchoc4u.blogspot.com/ sesapa yang nak tempah choc sila la ke blog Puan Ros......
TAGGED Brought to you by
Anishaway (dot) blogspot (dot) com rules and regulation:
1) if you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own blog and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
2) tag eight people.
don't refuse to do that. don't tag who tagged you.
(1) who sleeps in bed next to you?
urmm...18SX tau soklan ni..auww.....iman la weii...dah ada dia...dia tak mo tido kat dalam baby cot dia..kecik kot no...dia ganas sangat tido...hahaks...
(2) what are u doing now?
watching LOS n FAUN ...hahahks
(3) what kind of kuih raye did you make?
apa ek...buat kuih semperit, biskut OAT, biskut mazola
(4) best day of the week?
sabtu n ahad actually..bcoz abah iman ada all day with us
(5) what really creepy?
apa ek?macam2 la...
(6) what's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
sekarang ni tgh addicted to farmville..padahal buat FB dah 4thaun...tapi masa raya ni influenced by my sis n brother suh jadi jiran depa..terus addicted
(7) what are the colour of your baju hari raya?
tahun ni warna krim
(8) what did you eat for breakfast today?
buat goreng pisang hari ni...hahaks
(9) what is your aim for this raya?
aim???duit raya?hahaha..nothing semoga semua dosa2 lampau diampunkan tu je
(10) what was the last thing you bought?
apa ek???beli sayur semalam kot...untuk diri sendiri Handphone baru..hehe
(11) what was the coolest thing you have seen recently?
new baby born...iman's cousin...congrates ayah long!
(12) does the cool thing above affect your mood?
urm...suka sangat tgk baby..plus new born baby..so pure...takde dosa kan...
(13) what is your zodiac sign?
(14) do you want to learn other skills?
yup..nak belajar baking dengan lebih baik
(15) where are u now?
beside iman...iman's taking his nap..
(16) if you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
urmm..siapa ye?my parents la..kalau yang dah takde tu..rasulullah s.a.w
(17) what's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
to abah iman - I LOVE U sooooo dem much..(jangan muntah laks)
to my parents-- TQ so much also love u both
(18) what are you looking forward to?
be a better person
(19) say something to person who tagged you?
TQ so muchy kat ROS sebab ingat kat mi...:P...kamoo lah sahabat maya ku yang terbaik...
(20) tagged 8 people
alamak..ni yang susah sekali...ummi tak paksa buat ye..kalau nak buat tu buat la...tq...hehehe..ummi tag:
kak atie
spek pink
kak yong
(ok la..cukup la 6...hahaks..sesapa yang nak amik tagged ni silalah...)